Benefits of Using Videos to Market Real Estate

Benefits of Using Videos to Market Real Estate – The world of marketing has been forever changed by the advent of social media and video sharing. That’s why nowadays, real estate agents are using video to show off their listings in a whole new way.

Not only does it make a listing easier to visualize and understand for the buyer, but it also helps engage an audience and get many more views than just listing images or text descriptions could ever hope for. Here are 10 benefits of using videos to market real estate.

1. Real Estate Videos Are Engaging and Entertaining

Video marketing allows you to entertain and engage your buyers in a unique way. Showing people a listing they can relate to and get excited about can be extremely effective at connecting with these buyers. In turn, this will help them take an interest in your real estate offerings right off the bat. This is also beneficial for those buyers who are shy or timid about talking on the phone or visiting your office. The video allows you to present a more personable and professional side of your brand.

2. Real Estate Videos Are Shareable

Video marketing allows you to add a bit of your personality to the project and it makes it more shareable. Buyers feel at ease with videos because they feel less pressured to talk or engage, so they are more likely to share the listing with friends, family, or colleagues. The more shareable the video is, the more views you’ll get.

In addition to sharing the Property, we recommend you share yourself with a Real Estate AGENTS Video and the area with a Real Estate LOCATION Video.

3. Participatory

Those who prefer to interact with others tend to be more engaged by videos than those who prefer to read or listen. People are more likely to like something if they can connect with it personally, and videos are great at bringing this kind of connection. A lot of people will like your listing simply because they know you and trust your reputation in real estate, which helps build trust with a buyer right off the bat. For listings that show off the space, video marketing can be particularly effective at getting people to visit the property because they have a vested interest in seeing what the place is like.

4. Measurable

It’s important to track how effective your videos are at converting views into leads and sales, but it’s also beneficial to measure how many of your listings are getting views on their videos. This is a great way to see which of your listings get the most views, too. You can take this information and share it with other real estate agents in your area to get a better idea of which ones are the most popular listings, and then you can use what you’ve learned to effectively target buyers who will be more interested in your properties.

5. Improves SEO

When you use videos to market your real estate properties, search engines recognize that you are trying to provide valuable content in the form of realistic visuals. This helps your listings get more visibility. You could even use the videos as a method of improving your website’s SEO, making it easier for buyers who are using search engines to find you and your listings.

6. Real Estate Videos Are Inexpensive to Produce

Creating an engaging video can be a lot less expensive than spending a lot of money producing an infomercial or other high-quality video. We can create and produce a real estate video for just $297, including uploading it to two of our high-ranking video websites together with uploading to YouTube. We can use your existing images and text to create your real estate video in two to three days Monday to Friday.

7. Market Multiple Real Estate Properties in One Video

You can use videos to market multiple real estate listings. Real Estate Agents who are experts at showing off homes could create a video showing off several homes in their portfolio within the same area. For real estate agents using videos for marketing, versatility is a huge benefit as well. It’s hard to create something that works for each listing, but by using videos with multiple properties, you can help your clients compare different properties online.

8. Sell the Area

You can use Real Estate LOCATION Videos to sell the area in which your property is located. Potential clients are interested in the area as well as the property. Share with them the details of the location, such as shops, schools, entertainment, cafes and restaurants, sporting facilities, ease of access etc.

9. Sell the Agent

In addition to selling the property and the area, sell yourself with a Real Estate AGENT video. We can create both Location and Agent Real Estate videos for you at very affordable prices. By putting a little more effort into the video marketing aspect of your real estate business, you can set yourself apart from other agents, which will increase your appeal to buyers who are desperately seeking professionalism.

10. Get found on YouTube.

Once you create a video that shows off your listing, you can use it as the primary marketing tool for your real estate business. Once it’s out there, available to more people, those who like what they see and have the money to purchase a home could be looking to make an offer on your real estate property. This could mean increased leads for you every month.

BUT, Only if it is found online. A great video is useless if no one ever sees it. YouTube optimization is one of our specialties. In fact, we guarantee you will get found for that property in that location on YouTube – or you get your money back. This is extremely important as many real estate video creators can create great videos but have little expertise in ranking them in YouTube.

Benefits of Using Videos to Market Real Estate



Video marketing is a highly cost-effective way to increase your Real Estate business, as it has many benefits. Consider using video marketing as a way of getting more exposure, increasing sales, and improving the overall appeal of your listings. It is a great way to set yourself apart from other agents who don’t use video marketing, and it is incredibly easy to get started.


Ring Terry on 0468 420 470 for a Free Real Estate Video Consultation.

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